Wednesday 10 November 2010

NALSR - Street Racing Made Legal, Bracketed, And With Punch

The National Association for Legalized Street Racing (NALSR). Click Here to become a member of the fastest growing racing series in the nation. Image Credit: NALSR

NALSR - Street Racing Made Legal, Bracketed, And With Punch

The concept of Street Racing has been around ever since the first vehicles were produced and a flat and open space was found where two or more people could gather with their machines and do what humans do naturally - Compete.

We all compete in one way or another. In school it is who can be the most popular, the most athletic, or the smartest. At work we admire competence, productivity, or the greatest producer in sales volume. At play? ... Isn't it said that the one with the most toys, wins?

Recently, the SEMA Show (Specialty Equipment Manufacturers Association) 2010, the premier automotive specialty products and automotive culture market trade event in the world, took over all three halls and the front (Westside) parking lot of the Las Vegas Convention Center. The entire focus of this show has to do with what people can do to improve the look, performance, and functionality of the vehicle they purchase to the purpose they wish to have it serve.

Rich Evans of Rich Evans Designs in front of one of his latest creations - The Red Knight Mustang. Pictured here in the Vertical Doors Booth # 12459 at SEMA Show 2010. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2010)

A major portion of this show is dedicated to the improvement of the power and performance of vehicles ... but to what end? Well, to compete in the most common environment that exists ... the street - it's free and every major intersection has a timing light (traffic signals).

Back in August 2007, the son of famed WWE Wrestler Hulk Hogan crashed his modded yellow Toyota Supra in Clearwater, Florida while allegedly street racing. Caption and Image Credit: Zimbio/Clearwater Police Department

The problem with this simple and direct point of view, however, is that large, powerful cars can deliver a very damaging and lethal unintended consequence. Street Racing can hurt people and damage property and this is what makes this entertaining performance pursuit against the law and illegal. Since the end of World War II there have been many attempts throughout the years to make this "pick-up" pursuit safe, organized and legal but all fell short primarily because processes were complicated, expensive, and performed no greater purpose than to provide a venue to race at a point in time with little in the way of a greater goal than the event of that one race date.

NALSR's Jeremy Ford (center) talks with Toyota Speedway at Irwindale's Communications Director, Doug Stokes (left-center, red shirt) about the drag strip venue located next to the track for future NALSR events. This chance meeting took place at the Continental Tire Media Center at the SEMA Show 2010. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2010)

Enter the National Association for Legalized Street Racing (NALSR). A concept born out of a way to protect and promote original reality television programming about street racing. This concept has even caught the positive attention of the National Hot Rod Association (NHRA) as a potential partner.

TV program producer (and former street racer) Jeremy Ford felt that if there was an association that set up organized street racing in regions at safe venues and have winners in brackets/classes that could then meet at the end of a racing season for top national honors, and have the added attraction and access to this association be inexpensive ($40.00 online registration) ... this would be a great way to create entertaining TV content for the potential street racing enthusiast in all of us.

Further, if this association were able to offer prize money - say, a minimum $10,000 to champions - and a chance to be featured on a reality television program to the participants and winners ... this would provide the punch.

This excerpted and edited from NALSR (pronounced nal-sar) website -

By Jeremy J. Ford, CEO & President - NALSR - 171 Days, 7 Hours, 6 Minutes, Until the 2011 season

The goal of this organization is to address the growing concerns associated with street racing by providing racers with a safe, entertaining and controlled environment, thus minimizing street racing associated injuries and fatalities.

Originally established in 2008 by CEO & President, Jeremy J. Ford, NALSR (National Association for Legalized Street Racing) was established to give credibility to this outstanding sport and some of the best drivers on the road. No longer will street racing be stigmatized by its reckless past which has been highly publicized and profiled in detail by the media in a negative light. The media will now be invited to profile the street racing community for their talent, fast cars, and racing sport credibility.

Street racing now has a time and a place on the track in a sophisticated and organized manner. NALSR is currently teaming up with tracks across the US, to give street racers the opportunity to race in a safe and entertaining environment, enhancing the fans experience in the process, and free of legal interruption. When racers join NALSR, they will become recognized for the athletes they are. They will also be able to establish an identity and brand themselves, thus growing their fan base and helping establish an organized sport.
Does your company want to tap into a new market? Does your company want to get involved in the next hottest trend? Put your company on the scene of some of the hottest and fastest cars and largest upcoming car venues.

We are supported and sponsored by NHRA (announcement pending) and Vitamin Water as having a founding interest in this viable solution to street racing. Join these and other companies that are backing the next hottest thing and reaching out to a potential untapped market for your product or enterprise.
The hottest Street Racing Reality TV "STREET KINGS" Show has been optioned by MAVTV for 13 episodes (official announcement pending). The show will be shot in Los Angeles and St. Louis. If you are a real racer and want to showcase your skills, then come out to one of our casting calls.
Reference Here>>

So if one is into tuning, tweaking, beefing up, and all-around customizing a car or motorcycle for performance and speed and is seeking a way to test out how good these upgrades are without subjecting the public to an unintended consequence of human and machine performance gone awry ... join and participate at a NALSR venue going live in the Spring of 2011 near you.

... notes from The EDJE

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