Tuesday 5 July 2011

New MacBook Air

New MacBook Air to hit lightning speeds with 400 mbps flash storage. MacBook Air, Apple, Laptops, Computers, OSX 0

It looks like Apple's expected Macbook Air refresh could put its ultra-thin laptops at the top of the charts when it comes to speed. 
According to Macotakara.jp, parts manufacturers for the new Airs are using 400 mbps NAND flash storage chips. So what exactly does this mean? Well the chips are soldered straight onto the Airs' motherboard, doing away with any connection whatsoever and bringing with it a possible 100 times performance increase over past models. This coupled with the possible i5 and i7 update could mean the new Apple lightweights are no longer disappointing in the specs department. 
A MacBook Air refresh is expected to arrive alongside the mid-July release of OSX Lion. The new ultra-thin laptops are rumoured to sport the high speed Thunderbolt port, Sandy Bridge processors and the same design as current generation MacBook Airs. 

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